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  2. TEAS Remote Exam Issues

Why would I be denied by my proctor?

Proctors may deny a tester for several reasons. Time differences, improper I.D., or incorrect test. Check your test details to confirm who is proctoring you. The facility proctoring you will have more information.

Potential Reasons

  • Time difference - your TEAS confirmation email will have your start time. If you are taking a non TEAS proctored test, you'd need to check with your proctor for the start time. 
  • Improper I.D. - During your prechecks (remote tests) you will be asked to allow your webcam to take a photo of your United States government issued I.D. If this step is missed or if the photo isn't clear, the proctor may stop your test and deny entry until that is resolved. 
  • If you attempt to start a test that your instructor has not assigned you.