The ATI TEAS is separated into 4 sections that are separately timed – reading, math, science, and English and language usage.
The TEAS exam will begin with reading which has 45 questions and 55 minutes allocated for completion – approximately 1.2 minutes per question. Students do not have to take the full 55 minutes to complete. Once you are done with this reading section, you can advance to the next section of the exam, math.
The math section of the TEAS exam has 38 questions and 57 minutes allocated for completion – approximately 1.5 minutes per question. Following the completion of the math section, students will be allowed to take a short 10-minute break. This break is for both in-person exams and at-home remote exams. Students do not lose any exam time during this break. Your time will not start again until you begin the next section of the exam.
The science section of the TEAS exam has 50 questions and 60 minutes allocated for completion – approximately 1.2 minutes per question.
Lastly, the English and language usage section has 37 questions and 37 minutes for completion - approximately 1 minute per question.
You may go back and forth within an active section (reading, math, science, and English and language usage) to answer questions. Once you close a section and move on to the next section of the exam, you may not go back to that closed section.
Please Note: You may not retake a specific section of the TEAS. To provide an overall score and academic preparedness level for schools to use as admissions evaluation, the student must complete all four sections of the TEAS at the time of the exam. Some schools may only look at math and science scores for example, but the full exam must be completed for an accurate score.